The sexual synastry part is to highlight and examine, in detail, the success, planet position, sign compatibility and possibly even sex life between the sun signs and other vital planets between 2 people. The relationship seems “meant to be” in some way, and you may have met under unusual circumstances. I have my Uranus trine my beloved’s Ascendant…. . Since then, it is assigned the role of the Wounded Healer in astrology. Mercury conjunct the Ascendant shows that you are intensely preoccupied with yourself. This aspect is considered to be favorable, as it indicates a strong connection between the two planets' energies. If the aspects are stressful, then the solutions and patterns they come up. The two of you feel instinctively comfortable talking with one another. Haha, Mr Sag`s Mercury is conjunct my ASC (and ruling his 3rd house as well as his IC and DESC). Pluto Conjunct North Node Synastry, Natal, Transit: Perpetual Transformation. They feel an attraction to the way their partner thinks yet they also want to escape it. It can either. Sun trine Mercury in synastry: This active, mental aspect between your charts suggests a positive flow of communication and activity between you. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. If you have Mercurian qualities on your Ascendant, then your thoughts will be obvious to others. Many communication problems in relationships stem from misunderstandings, and this aspect helps you to. They can help you see yourself in a very deep way. It also. Ascendant/Sun = There might be a rapport between two partners but you must refer to signs and elements with this. this post brought tears to my eyes: I have chiron conjunct my ascendant, and every relationship I have -playes out these themes- especially since every relationship I have is with my genertion group- and always pluto-uranus opposite chiron, and neptune trine my chiron…. When someone’s planet touches our natal Eros in synastry, it is as if we have been stuck by Cupid’s arrow. If it is at a wider orb then it’ll translate as stimulating conversation. ttracted to brainiacs. When Mercury in your chart forms an aspect to your partner’s Pluto, ideas and thoughts, and how you communicate them to one another, are frequently intense, probing, and transformative. When someone’s Vertex is conjunct your Ascendant (meaning in the same sign), your Vertex is conjunct their. Mars person will like to cancel or diminish Ascendant person´s own actions, own plans, This will not be welcomed well by Ascendant person. Their thoughts run fast, and their actions and surroundings run fast too. Moon-Ascendant Positive Aspects+Conjunction: This gives the two people a really strong and emotional bond. Sun opposition Moon 2. Mercury-Ascendant Synastry aspects: Conjunction | Trine | Square | Opposition Mercury - astrology meaning Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. When somebody’s Mars falls in your 8th house, that person inspires deep sexual urges and physical desires in you. Free Reports:. Your mental faculties are well developed, and for the. Each aspect is worth 1 point. Mars trine Ascendant Synastry Mars and Ascendant aspects can be very beneficial or challenging, depending on whether it is a conjunction, trine, sextile, an opposition, or square. When the Ascendant in your chart forms an aspect to your partner’s North Node of the Moon: When the Ascendant conjuncts the North Node or South Node in synastry, there is an immediate and powerful connection between two people. Mercury opposite Ascendant – Synastry, Transit, Composite. Saturn in Synastry: Relationship Astrology. Your personalities attract each other on the mental level, but you often end up having diverging opinions. Pluto-Ascendant Synastry aspects: Conjunction | Trine | Square |. The Neptune person will have a great influence on the Ascendant individual, but depending on other aspects it can be positive or negative. Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Synastry and Natal: Intellectual Attraction. Mercury conjunct Chiron. then add a few personal planet synastry like my recent relationship:. Their communications is great and misunderstandings rarely occur. The relationship will likely be very significant when the chart angles tightly conjunct or aspect each other. The main theme of Vertex aspects in synastry is that there will be a very significant, possibly life. Example: An ex of mine’s Aquarius Ascendant at 29°42’ was exactly conjunct my Aquarius Midheaven at 29°46’. You are a good listener and talker in conversation and very wise. Very likely, you will stimulate a wide range of emotions in each other. Brains before. Saturn contacts are great in synastry if you desire a long term bond, especially if it’s a trine aspect (Venus trine Saturn, Moon trine Saturn, Mercury trine Saturn, and Sun trine Saturn are my favorites. The conjunction is the most powerful, but all aspects are significant. It makes you an accessible and down-to-earth person with explicit opinions you are willing to express. Mercury-Ascendant Synastry aspects: Conjunction | Trine | Square | Opposition Mercury - astrology meaning Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. Conclusion. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. midheaven Synastry-Aspects - zodiac aspects information and symbolism in astrology including trine,opposition,sextile,conjunction and square midheaven Synastry-AspectsAscendant Conjunct Mercury Synastry. However, this binding effect may be soon replaced by the sense of boredom, stagnation and by waking up some destructive tendencies in one another. The Lilith conjunct Mercury synastry aspect creates a bit of a catch-22 in relationships. Vertex in synastry represents unexplainable, or ‘’fated’’ contacts. This connection is said to be significant because it can facilitate the exchange of ideas and communication between the two individuals, allowing them to. It is a fascinating an illuminating study of how individuals interact with one another. In synastry, Mars conjunct the other's Saturn, square, opposition, sextile, and trine. Pallas Aspects to the Sun. The natal Venus, the personification of love itself, is one of the most important planets to look for in synastry charts. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus the North Node in detail. Aspects to Juno can be past life indicators in synastry, mostly on a romantic level. This person will tend to be good at problem solving and pattern recognition. The conjunctions can be quite binding as well too). Venus Conjunct Ascendant or Venus in the 1st: For romantic synastry, this is love at first sight. As the. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, named after the Roman goddess of the same. Sun person uplifts Ascendant person and shines their light on Ascendant person's gifts, strengths and talents. Both are positive catalysts for change and self-love, helping each other to face inner wounds and embrace deeper healing. Sun conjunct Mercury 2. The most important planets to look to are Venus, Mercury, and of course, the Sun and the Moon. The trine and sextile can be feisty if in a tight orb. Good Compatibility Factors in Synastry (weight 2) Sun opposition Sun 2. Sun conjunct Mars 2. We also consider every aspect between the planets. With favorable aspects, it is a leader who inspires with creative energy. If you have Mercury trine Venus synastry, you’re likely to feel this way all of the time. The person whose Mercury. It also indicates into what depth we want to study things. If it is at a wider orb then it’ll translate as stimulating conversation. In synastry, Mercury sextile Mercury enhances compatibility in any relationship. A trine or sextile may only be felt in the background. Unless there are strong romantic links in the rest of the synastry, this combination can feel like a brotherly-sisterly. A conjunction of someone’s Mars to any angle (that is, the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven-10th cusp, or IC – 4th cusp) in your natal chart will pull out gut reactions and intensity of desire–although the feelings can go. This passionate trine aspect represents a flowing of energy and love between two people that feels right, natural, and easy. There will be a tendency to attract showy, dramatic, Leo types of partners. Mercury steers the intellect, how we speak and connect. This creates a powerful synergy, where each partner’s ambition fuels the other’s, leading to collective growth and success. Yeah, I guess he tried being communicative around me, but my Neptuns is there as well, so I more often than not. You get along well with people and know how to please them. The Mercury conjunct Juno synastry aspect is usually not the most important in synastry. This is an optimistic match. Ascendant/Midheavan = You identify with your partners aspirations and ambitions. Mercury sextile / trine Mars synastry : These aspects indicate flirtatious , stimulating forms of communication. It gives us natural intelligence and the ability to analyse and reproduce. A person whose Mercury is in your 12th House will be able to see your blind spots. With the harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine) the effects are smooth and easy. Their Jupiter conjunct your Midheaven: Unless their own Jupiter is in a world of trouble, this is almost always a benefactor, generous in their support without a lot of strings attached. Similarly as the conjuction, these aspects bring about immediate mutual understanding and harmony, moreover, they tend to enrich the views, opinions and ideas of the other, so they are. The ascendant and the seventh. Ava Gardner’s POF is opposite Frank Sinatra’s Sun and Mercury; Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus synastry aspects: Sun-Venus contacts in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! When this aspect appears in. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, and trine) can act in a similar fashion to Venus. Synastry Aspects - Astrology Meanings and Interpretations. People find you interesting to talk to and live with because of your charisma and sense of. Mercury Aspects. Vesta Aspects to the Sun. Our topic for today is Mercury. Interchart, crossaspects. Posts: 2797 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014:. You won’t be. The tendency with the stressful aspects is either to be over focused, or have difficulty focusing at all. Tight orb shows the Mars person is sexually turned on by the Mercury person’s voice and mind. Ascendant-Mercury Synastry aspects: Conjunction | Trine | Square | Opposition Mercury - astrology meaning Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. Related: Black Moon Lilith Aspects In Synastry. Conjunctions are typically stronger. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. You immediately understand each other. Brainstorm: Mercury/Descendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Mercury and Descendant. A Mercury conjunct ascendant is a great sign to see. Mercury trine or sextile Mercury: This is essentially the same as the conjunction but probably more favorable for the exchange of. is the art of relationship Astrology. Learn how this aspect can help you absorb information, communicate effectively, and succeed in. This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. In some ways, it can be said that Mercury is the key to success in. Mercury is associated with communication and the mind, while Mars is associated. If. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. This aspect suggests that both individuals have a natural understanding and acceptance of each other's personality and appearance. When Saturn in one chart forms an aspect with another person’s personal planet or point, the energy interplays between the two people are distinct. Ascendant/Mercury = This will give good. Tight orb shows the Mars person is sexually turned on by the Mercury person’s voice and mind. …. Sun-Ascendant: When the Sun and Ascendant touch positively/neutrally, this can bring an immediate familiarity between the two, the Sun person is generally supportive and inspiring to the Ascendant person, they usually. They can be really fun aspects. The 10 traditional planets and luminaries Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus the North Node in detail. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. This means that while the Earth goes around the Sun once, Mercury will have time to go around it four times!Venus conjunct Ascendant. We also consider every aspect between the planets and the main angles Ascendant or Midheaven. Its very nature is conducive to friendships. The energy is magnetic to both. The Pluto person can stir up psychological issues in the Ascendant individual. They may function as a teacher, mentor, or role model. Chiron in Astrology. The Mars trine Ascendant aspect encourages both partners to support each other in achieving their goals. A woman’s Sun and Mars (masculine planets) represent the kind of man she finds attractive, so having either of these. Mercury Conjunct Ascendant, Natal Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Transit Mercury is conjunct Uranus. You feel that you can learn a lot from Saturn’s wisdom. The Trine between Mercury and your Ascendant shows that you have a great ability to absorb all kinds of information and knowledge, you also can explain what you have learned in a clear and understandable way to. My Ascendant square his pluto…. Your partner clouds your vision. The Mercury Opposition Ascendant aspect in synastry indicates a dynamic exchange of ideas and communication between two individuals. Mercury sextile / trine Mars synastry : These aspects indicate flirtatious , stimulating forms of communication. In the birth chart, it shows where your deepest wound lies. Mercury is. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra. It is an aid to communication and reduces misunderstandings. Ascendant. The deep and instinctive. Sun sextile or trine Mercury 2. Moon-Mercury synastry aspects for soulmates are very common. Ascendant transit causes you to. This is a fantastic match because the Ascendant individual understands how Mercury thinks, and Mercury can put the Ascendant individual’s thoughts into words. They take on mind-challenging jobs. Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry suggests that the personality of the ascendant person is highly compatible with the mind of the Mercury person. Mercury-Ascendant Synastry aspects: Conjunction | Trine | Square | Opposition Mercury - astrology meaning Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. The Ascendant and first house represent our physical appearance and the way we project ourselves to the world. Mercury and the other personal planets function on the same principle regarding synastry. You will feel a strong and quite natural emotional connection with each other. . Mercury - astrology meaning Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. The trine and sextile can be feisty if in a tight orb. Mercury Sextile Ascendant – Synastry, Transit, Composite. When you have planets in your partner’s first house, or vice-versa, a strong physical attraction is indicated. Synastry: Mercury-Pluto Aspects. Moon trine Chiron:. Can lead to a journey of new self discovery. Mercury-Ascendant aspects will dictate how intelligent, witty, and curious you appear. Mercury sextile Ascendant maximum orb 4°30′. Mercury- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: A strong intellectual and mental link exists when someone’s Mercury is conjunct or opposite another person’s Vertex. Similar to the Mars-Ascendant aspects, people born under Mercury conjunct ascendant get excited over a fast-paced environment. If someone’s planets are conjunct your ascendant, there is a strong attraction between you.